Why Should Developers Migrate their DApps from Ethereum to XinFin Network?

ruslan wing
4 min readApr 29, 2020

Why users should migrate a DApp running on Ethereum to XinFin.Network in order to use the many unrivaled features and advantages that XinFin has over Ethereum.

What’s a DApp?

Ethereum DApps are built on smart contracts deployed onto the Ethereum blockchain where Ethereum serves as the back-end for the application. One of the most popular DApps — Cryptokitties, is collectibles-style Dapp built on Ethereum. When we build a game with Ethereum, essentially, each game action and transaction is stored on the Ethereum blockchain.

What’s XinFin Network?

In short, XinFin Network is a solution to blockchain scalability and functionality issues of Ethereum Network (similar like Ethereum trying to achieve with Ethereum-2.0 or Serenity. Ref). It supports all EVM-compatible smart-contracts, which basically means that every DApp run on Ethereum can be easily ported to XinFin Network.

Why should developers build DApps on XinFin Network?

Remember CryptoKitties in 2017? A single DApp brought the whole Ethereum blockchain to their knees. The network was congested, with endless waiting times for transaction confirmation and high transaction fees. Porting to XinFin Network would seem a good idea for the CryptoKitties.

  • TPS: XinFin Network mainnet can process 2'000 TPS, which is 100x faster than the Ethereum blockchain,
  • PoW vs XDPoS: xinfin consensus replaces High Power consuming PoW from Ethereum and Replace with XDPoS which makes the network faster and saves energy.
  • Gas Fees: For a fraction (1/1000) of the cost of DApps on Ethereum.
  • Block Creation time 2 Seconds compare to every 14 to 16 seconds for the Ethereum

(Detail Ethereum and XDC network Comparison at ref Resource Link )

Furthermore, the whole XinFin Network ecosystem is also quickly evolving, which makes it an ideal platform for DApp development. Please keep Visiting XinFin Bounty page for Free XDC for the developer.

How to Deploy DApp on XinFin XDC Network?

Medium Link: https://medium.com/xinfin/deploy-smart-contract-on-xinfin-testnet-through-xinfin-remix-and-xinpay-dfbbf9dcc3f7

Video Link :

How to install XinPay ?

XinPay which allows you to run XinFin DApps right in your browser without running a full XinFin node.

Medium Link: https://medium.com/xinfin/get-started-with-xinpay-crypto-asset-bbd817e1ed46


How to create a token on XinFin Network?

Mycontract is a Leading Platform for Smart Contract Creation, Deployment, Interaction & Token Offering.

Medium Link: https://medium.com/xinfin/a-step-by-step-guide-to-issue-your-own-token-on-xinfin-network-in-a-few-minutes-b03aeae3be69


What is XinFin Remix ?

XinFin Remix is a web browser-based integrated development environment that allows the user to write Solidity smart contracts, then Compile, Deploy & run the smart contract on XinFin Blockchain Network.

Medium Link: https://medium.com/xinfin/xinfin-remix-develop-smart-contracts-for-the-xinfin-blockchain-b3c330727528

Medium Link: https://medium.com/xinfin/deploy-smart-contract-on-xinfin-testnet-through-xinfin-remix-and-xinpay-dfbbf9dcc3f7

To run this DApp or to deploy a smart contract on XinFin network you will require some amount of XDC as a gas fee compared to Ethereum network gas fee of XinFin Network is quite low.

You can buy XDC the native coin of XinFin Hybrid Blockchain from Alphaex and Stex or if you are holding XDCE which is an ERC-20 token can also be swapped to XDC which is 1:1 ratio.


It will not be too difficult and won’t take much time to migrate your DApps from Ethereum to XinFin Network. Along with that DApps running on XinFin Network have many advantages in speed and cost. So don’t hesitate to bring your DApps to XinFin Network where you can make your DApps great again…

About XinFin Hybrid Blockchain

XinFin Hybrid Blockchain and product ecosystem allow entrepreneurs, enterprises, and institutions to build high-performance, feature-rich blockchain projects on an enhanced EVM-compatible platform. An array of original features and protocols is designed to support users’ speed, privacy, usability, and liquidity needs all in one platform.

XinFin Network is built on a performance layer that achieves high transaction speeds without compromising decentralization.XinFin Network uses an innovative consensus method called XDPoS (XinFin Delegated Proof of Stake) which gives an incentive to all kyc enable masternode token-holders to play an active part to become a masternode across a network of 71 kyc enable masternodes. XinFin Network have own utility coin called “XDC” and its available on many exchanges like stex.com and alphaex.net

