How to buy Crypto XDCE using Enjin wallet

ruslan wing
4 min readMay 27, 2020


This is a step by step guide on how to buy XinFin XDCE (ERC20 Version) via Enjin Wallet.

Step 1: First, you will need the Enjin Wallet installed from Google Play or the App Store on your device.

Once you have downloaded the app, you will need to tap “CREATE WALLET,” read and accept the terms and conditions.

Step 2: Enter a strong password with at least 1 number and a minimum length of 8 characters. You will need to confirm your password again, just to make sure you have not mistyped anything.

Step 3: Write Down the Recovery Phrase So It is extremely important that you write down all 12 words of your recovery phrase and keep it safe. This will be your way to recover or access your wallet if you lose access to your device or app

Step 4: Verify the Recovery Phrase Once you’re done with writing down your recovery phrase, you will be asked to enter in two random words from it. This is to make sure you have saved or written down your Recovery Phrase as it is one of the most important information you will need to keep.

Step 5:Choose which coins or tokens you want in your wallet — you can change this at any time. Enjin Wallet supports Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and all ERC-20 Tokens so XDCE is already listed there.

Once you have chosen your coins and tokens, create your wallet and the setup is complete. Make sure you remember your password and have your recovery phrase written down and kept safe.

Step 6: If you have ETH on your Enjin wallet you can easily exchange ETH to XDCE via bancor network.

You can buy Bitcoin or Ethereum with fiat currency from crypto-exchanges like Coinbase and later you can exchange it to XDCE later.

Buying Cryptocurrency on Coinbase


You will need to register or log into your account at Coinbase.

02-Add a Payment Method

When logged into your account, click Buy/Sell at the top.

Now, you need to add a verified method of payment.

Tap “Add Payment Method” and choose between linking your bank account or add a credit/debit card. Both methods require a form of verification — follow the instructions given by Coinbase and your payment method should be verified shortly.

03-Purchase ETH

Once you have a verified method of payment. Go back to the Buy/Sell page and select “Ethereum”.

Once you’ve selected “Ethereum”, choose your payment method and enter the value you wish to purchase and confirm your order. Your account should shortly be credited with your order.

04-Transfer ETH

Now you will need to get the wallet address from your Enjin Wallet so you can send it to your wallet.

Open your Enjin Wallet and tap on your ETH wallet and tap on “RECEIVE” at the top. You can find your wallet address here along with a QR code for your wallet address.

Copy your address so you have it ready to paste into your Coinbase account.

Go back to Coinbase and click Accounts at the top, then select your “ETH Wallet”

Tap “Send”, paste your wallet address into the “Recipient” field and enter in the amount you wish to send to your wallet.

Confirm once you have checked everything is ok.

You should shortly receive and see the funds in your Enjin Wallet.

As you have already bought Eth now you can easily exchange it to XDCE on Enjin wallet using bancor network.

